It was Maddy’s tears this morning cementing Fatpap’s realisation that the trip just experienced, while initiated by the spectacular sights and cultures of two amazing countries, was made even more spectacular by those sitting next to him on the bus along the way. Her tears were a combination of both happiness and sadness, and to invoke that emotion from one another in such a short amount of time speaks volumes to not only the adventure, but of the people taking it.
Fatpap had a 13:55 flight to Ho Chi Min City and luckily as an aviation nerd he was more than happy to get out to the airport with plenty of time to spare. That is his standard modus operandi but this morning it was more about a need not to protract the goodbyes any longer or draw out the inevitable. Just say goodbye and fuck off. On checking in at BKK he was quite rightly as an internet sensation upgraded to business class facilitating access to the lounge where a brunch of noodles and scotch was enjoyed. The short 2hr leg to Ho Chi Min was followed by a 4hr connection through to Sydney but again lounge access made that ever so tolerable. Gin and tonics and thoughtful window staring eroded that time very quickly and pretty soon he was southbound for SYD on VN773. Leaving was sad, and having been away almost a month the rest of the world seemed almost irrelevant, but reality is a bitch and paradoxically the reason we do these trips in the first place. The one saving grace, and now of paramount importance, was knowing that at the other end he would be met by his beautiful daughter having not seen her for a year while living in Canada. Now if that’s not incentive to return home, what is?
Fatpap and the Dawg
If it hasn’t been stated already this trip was absolutely amazing. The places and people made it by far the best 4 weeks of 2024 and allowing debate, maybe the decade to date. Any minor disappointments were quickly overshadowed by countless “holy-shit” moments and each morning brought forth new adventures surpassing those of the previous day. With over 13,500 images captured by 4 cameras, some brutal editing resulted in this trip yielding just over 3,000 photos which is a little over 100 per day and slightly more than usual. But given the diversity of locations and sheer beauty they presented, coupled with more than usual people and group shots, Fatpap certainly doesn’t mind the weight of images presented even if any reader finds them at times repetitive.
The worst part of any holiday is arguably the coming home bit. Not for the long journey usually involved but because it signals the end and inevitable return to reality. Fatpap left Sydney 24 days ago and in that time so many things happened. Travel brochures clearly define where one will stay, what one will visit and which famous landmarks one will stand before. They’ll also fill the traveller with a sense of expectation and in fact excitement of what lies ahead which in many cases had been dreamt about since a young age.
Vietnam and Cambodia wasn’t Fatpap’s childhood dream but something that gained traction over the course of recent years through word of mouth accounts and pretty much terrific travel reviews online and in print. The countries offered quite a diverse experience through conflicting landscapes, rich histories and foreign cultures not always offered by others more highly developed. Now seemed a good opportunity to make the trip before every man and his dog jumped on the bandwagon to ruin it for us all. Bali, Thailand. You know if you know.
Make no mistake, Fatpap is no trial blazer. No influencer or adventurist. He just saw his opportunity and took it with only 4 week notice and is now eternally grateful he did. Because as the travel brochures promised, all expectations were met and the famous landmarks stood before. The hotels were as indicated and the food delicious as advertised. The brochure delivered in every sense of the word and the trip was entirely as forebode.
But there’s an element that can never be defined or pigeonholed well enough to incorporate into those brochures guaranteeing a trip will be exceptional and beyond expectation. That element is chemistry and chemistry comes through people. Your fellow travellers can make or break any holiday and this group of diversified bums from various corners of the world collectively created the most organic and hospitable environment one could ask for over 19 days mostly confined to a small Toyota Coaster. And as much as Fatpap loved the group, individually sharp witted and endearing in their own way, collectively they were brutal. Like a pack of hyenas preying on a wounded water buffalo, any insecurity exhibited or mistake exposed would be pounced upon and ridiculed until someone else slipped up and drew away the attention. It was a cycle, with every one of us giving breathe to its existence, that made the journey even more enjoyable.
If given the chance this writer would do things a little different next time. As a first visit to any new country tour groups are the most logical way to go. They’re organised, cost effective, all encompassing and streamlined to maximise experiences. But at times they are also a little rushed. As the very antipodes to those positive virtues, they strangle other aspects of travel equally as important. Time. Absorption. Exploration. Longer periods spent in fewer cities would give any traveller that sense of belonging, but of course would limit the variety of experiences. It really is a very narrow board to tread.
On this trip more time spent in rural locations would have been greatly appreciated, but again after covering so many miles in a relatively short amount of time, the freedom to just stop in some random rice paddy and harvest with the locals is not always conducive to practicality. Tourist traps too could be avoided, but they do cater to a wide variety of travellers so on percentages, like a casino, will always win. They wouldn’t still be around if they didn’t.
Travelling back Fatpap would do it alone and plan as per his interests. On-line day tours are so accessible nowadays as are hotel bookings and restaurant reviews. But then again, having already done this trip under the expert guidance of an organised tour, of course he’s an oracle of wisdom happy to preach to any new listener. But as stated before and more than likely again, anyone wanting to travel to either a new country, or on their own, tour groups are a marvellous starting point and Intrepid Travel could not be more highly recommended.
For those not having read the Vietnamese precursor to this blog click here to check that out for yourself. It may make a little more sense chronologically but alone it’s a cracking good read filled with awesome photography and laughable moments.
And lastly, as everyone knows, this website and the blogs in particular are a self indulgent wank enabling Fatpap to not only showcase his beloved photography but remind himself of the great things he sometimes does and what awesome people he meets along the way. This Vietnam / Cambodian trip was a singular highlight for him that may well explain its unusual length and complexity. So to anyone making it this far, in reading these last few self congratulatory lines, thank you for coming on this journey with me and thank you to the dozen more who shared it in reality. You are all legendary.
Look out avid followers because the next adventure is not far away. Already locked and loaded for May / June 2025 all that can be revealed is that it’s to a continent not yet visited ! Don’t forget to like and subscribe or maybe visit the online store to help fund another adventure. Happy travels to all.